
cplogo Cerebral Palsy is a challenging disorder with often widespread effects and tremendous impact on children and their families. At the same time, CP kids are typically joyful, giving, and inspirational in their persistence against all odds. As a parent with a wonderful child with CP, I’ve learned to embrace the positive aura these children bring to whatever they pursue, and to partner with those dedicated spirits who seek to make the lives of CP kids fuller and more meaningful. For 2015, I’ve decided to help children with cerebal palsy  and their families by running the Superior 100, an extreme trail race through technically challenging terrain in northern Minnesota. Please join me in my quest by sponsoring me during this challenge of a lifetime. Your support goes to entirely to fund programs for the CP clinic at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, the nation’s leading organization for pediatric research,  with a goal of finding better answers and improving lives of these remarkable kids. Join our community today!

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